No man is an island. No one can be truly empowered until they’re making a difference in the world. That is why a strong Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is part of Soonset Art Studio Business Plan from the very beginning.
no matter who you are, what you do or what your life is like, daring to explore your creative side until you strip yourself of embedded beliefs and barriers will change you in ways you could never have foreseen. It is therapeutic. It is liberating. It will show you to yourself like nothing else.
But for some of us creating becomes a necessity and sharing those creations in the attempt to touch people becomes a mission. Those who get there often need encouragement. That is why…
As a social responsibility policy, Soonset is available to support some special projects related to art free of charge. If interested, send application to the following email
As a social responsibility policy, Soonset is available to support some special projects related to art free of charge. If interested, send application to the following email
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